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With our state of the art reporting platform, and a basket of relationships with the best solutions in the world. We are able to offer more than, just acquiring customers on an interval basis. Step one is making sure that customers interested in paying for a product, are able to do so irrelevant of what payment product is available to them. Step two is making sure the customer stays interested in the product he is subscribing to. Having the absolutely best products helps set you apart on an otherwise crowded scene. Step 3 is always to stay ahead of the trend. The online universe develops a lot faster than normal businesses. And for that reason its very important to always test new subscription models, and methods to maximize revenues while maintaining customer confidence. Please get in touch with us today to learn more. Contact us

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With respect for the customer in focus, we are able to provide the best possible client experience. Whether by chat, phone or email. Our highly trained support agents value the personal connection between human beings, giving a dynamic flow of information. This method secures easy understanding, and guarantees speed of service. Our contact centers are sourced from around the world, but always made sure to meet the same high standards. Taking a stand point in the corporate “Lean” culture we always strive to eliminate waste. As we believe handling customer contact instances in a timely manner is the most important point in increasing satisfaction. Training all agents from the same book with minor local alterations, makes sure we keep a standardized quality while maintaining the individual strengths in each location around the world. Please get in touch If you would like to know more about our award winning world class customer support. Contact us

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Fraudulent transactions, is the fear of any online merchant. No matter what platform a client is billed through a chargeback, will always be a disruptive event. Countering fraudulent sales starts already the moment a client reaches the website. By advanced algorithms we are able to profile clients, before they even make it to the payment gateway. The behavior of a person surfing a website is very hard to mimic with robots. And that is exactly why, it’s one of the bestdefenses we have in our arsenal. Knowing who is an actual surfer and who is a computer generated instance, eliminates more than 60% of all fraud even before any payment has been made. When the payment is then made on a subscription website, the profiling continues depending on how the client uses the content he has purchased access to. Does the client engage in social activities on the site, does he read the content frequently etc. Will all help to paint a more complete profile, enabling us to sort the real transactions from the fake. If you would like to know more about our profiling and anti fraud solutions then please get in touch with us. Contact us